Catch Those Thoughts (Part 2)

I was going to write on Chapter 5, “Entering into Directed Rest” as I work through Dr. Caroline Leaf’s book “Switch on Your Brain.” But, something wouldn’t allow me to move on just yet. There is a little more that needs to be explored in Chapter 4 entitled “Catch Those Thoughts.”

We all have the capability of capturing our thoughts and bringing them into obedience of Christ as called out in 2 Cor. 10:5. This is easier said than done at times.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Leaf mentions a prion protein in the brain that operates a bit like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. A reference to Robert Louis Stevenson’s book entitled “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” The story speaks to the fact that inside every good person, there is an evil side.

This prion protein does well when it’s unfolded and operates positively. But, when negative thoughts flow unrestrained it folds over itself. When this happens it plays a crucial role in neurodegenerative diseases which leads to dreadful syndromes.

Pros of the Prion Protein:

  1. It abounds in synapses – the contact point where signals are passed from one nerve cell to the next.
  2. They are important to neuroplasticity – the ability for the brain to rewire itself and adapt, to change its landscape.
  3. They are key for neurogenesis – the growth and development of new nerve tissues.

If we think the right thoughts in line with the word of God, they will respond in a positive nature. But, they will fold over and go crazy in response to thoughts that are polar opposites and negative in nature.

The Seven Deadly Sins

I am reminded of the seven deadly sins as taught by the Catholic faith:

  1. Foolish pride or dangerous over confidence – “it is through pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: It is the complete anti-God state of mind.” CS Lewis
  2. Greed – an inordinate desire to acquire wealth, status, or power. Becoming ruthless in its intent.
  3. Lust – a psychological force producing intense wanting and cravings. Lust can take any form, lust for sex, lust for drugs, lust of alcohol, lust for expensive objects, and lust for power to name a few.
  4. Malicious Envy – a potent cause for unhappiness because of another person’s good fortunes and wanting harm to be inflicted on them instead.
  5. Gluttony – overindulgence and over consumption of food and drink, to the point of extravagance and waste.
  6. Inordinate Anger – intense emotional response that turns fierce, uncaring, and cruel.
  7. Sloth – becoming indifferent to one’s duties and obligations. It is a state of mind that gives rise to boredom, apathy, idleness and inactivity towards those areas that are important.

Definitions from Wikipedia

Many have experienced the powerful emotions of these deadly sins. When we think irrationally allowing negative emotions to flare, the prion proteins fold over. Then the wrong signals will be sent out through your brain and body. Setting in motion a whole host of events that are contrary to what you hope for.

Are You Prone to Addictions?

You really need to be on guard if you are prone to addictions. Addictions have a multiplying effect that can cause your life to turn from bad to worse in the blink of an eye.

The best thing to do is nip a rogue thought in the bud at the beginning, before it has a chance to take root. For when it takes root, negative signals will be sent out triggering intense wants and cravings for the addictions that so easily entraps you.

These signals and thoughts will take on a life of their own, gaining predominance. Before you know it, you’ve slipped down the slippery bank of mud and filth into a river of despair.

You will find yourself a slave to its malicious ways. Destroying relationships, creating destructive circumstances, and intense emotional turmoil for not only yourself, but those around you.

Capture Your Thoughts

It’s in your best interest to keep the prion proteins from folding over. To have them behave in the perfection they were created. You want the synapses to fire from nerve cell to nerve cell with positive signals that will aid in the brains neuroplasticity, and neurogenesis.

As you think deeply, capture your rogue thoughts and hold them captive. Do this as soon as they appear. Then demolish them and make every thought obedient to Christ.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

2 Corinthians 10:5

Switch On Your Brain: The Key To Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013), pgs 71-77

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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