My Goal to Read/Listen to the Bible in a Year

Yearly Goals

Each year I have a long-standing goal to read/listen to the Bible in a year. This is the only goal that I make at the beginning of each year that I have been able to finish consistently by years end incidentally.

Goal to Read/Listen to the Bible in a Year.

There are others for example like, losing weight, eating healthy, getting active, that I don’t seem to do too well. Unfortunately, my weight fluctuates, my diet yo-yos between healthy and unhealthy, simultaneously with my activity level throughout the course of the year.

Therefore I have not attained my goal weight of 180 – 190 pounds that I set for myself subsequently all those years ago. By the way I’ve lost many, many pounds, over the course of time, but I seem to have gained them all back unfortunately!

In two decades I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.

Humorist Erma Bombeck

For 2018 I used the “Uncover the Word Reading Plan” created by the American Bible Society. In years past I have used other plans such as “The One Year Bible” as well.

I have downloaded on my smartphone the “YouVersion Bible App” from the Google Play Store. Coupled with the website at that I read from too.

Moreover they have all kinds of reading plans, and Bible translations that I could have chosen from. As well as a daily checklist of scriptures that are to be read each day.

After the completion of each set of scriptures there is a check box that I will be able to check off as a result of the completion of each scripture. I ask you to check it out.

There are other methods, for example, such as printing a plan from off the internet. Or, if I wanted I could purchase the One Year Bible for instance.

Sanctification and Cleansing

One day earlier this year I was reading a book by Frank Hammond. In it his wife Ida Mae approached him and asked him to read to her a portion of the Word of God each day. She sited Ephesians 5 for her reasoning:

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her 26 to sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to Himself as a glorious church, without stain or wrinkle or any such blemish, but holy and blameless …..

Ephesians 5:25-26, Berean Study Bible

Her intention was for the cleansing and sanctifying of the Word. Subsequently, it is the Word of God, when you and I put into practice that will allow us to become glorious, and sanctified.

Incidentally, my wife and I have since put this concept into practice as well. Many mornings as she doll’s herself up in front the mirror getting ready for work, I would read a portion of scriptures for the day.

Listening to the Bible

I read to her during the week days and many Saturdays after her shower and she is getting ready for work. Unfortunately because of discussions we don’t always keep up with the plan.

My wife and I get behind the plan often for two main reasons.

  1. I don’t read to her on most Sundays.
  2. We don’t always complete the reading requirement for the day.

Unfortunately there have been times when I have gotten a month to two months behind. Thereupon I would listen to the scriptures in the car to get caught up. On a one-way trip to or from work I can listen to four to eight days’ worth. If I listen both coming and going, I can listen to eight to sixteen days’ worth in one day.

There have been times where I have taken me a week and a half or so of work commutes to get caught up with the plan. Unfortunately for my wife there may seem to be no consistency in the topic or books when I am trying to get caught up, but she understands.

Goal to Read/Listen to the Bible in a Year In Conclusion

Setting New Years resolutions is something that millions of people do. I will be setting the goal to read/listen to the Bible in a year. I will be reading to my lovely wife again this year.

My wife and I love the Word of God. Oh, how it blesses us, and we take comfort in it! By faith we receive the cleansing and sanctification that comes by the washing with water through the Word. It will also allow us to be aware of Satanic perversions.

We encourage you to do the same if you are married, and are capable.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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