Prayer For Our Elections

Here we are at the start of another Presidential Election Cycle. Without a doubt, the elections are always very important. Therefore, it is so  critically urgent that we set our hearts and minds to be in prayer for our elections for God’s will and providence be extended as a result over our nation.

Prayer for Our Elections

1 Timothy 2:1-4  (NIV)

2 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

From <>

My Goal to Read/Listen to the Bible in a Year

Yearly Goals

Each year I have a long-standing goal to read/listen to the Bible in a year. This is the only goal that I make at the beginning of each year that I have been able to finish consistently by years end incidentally.

Goal to Read/Listen to the Bible in a Year.

There are others for example like, losing weight, eating healthy, getting active, that I don’t seem to do too well. Unfortunately, my weight fluctuates, my diet yo-yos between healthy and unhealthy, simultaneously with my activity level throughout the course of the year.

Galatians – Overcoming Perverted Doctrines


Freedom from Slavery

When Adam and Eve caved to Satan’s deception, that action cast the whole human race into slavery to sin, the embodiment of the curse and suffering.

The spirit of fear entered the heart of man. Where Satan could reign through sin in his diabolical desired actions to kill, steal, and destroy.

Thank God for the Cross of Jesus Christ:

  • His purpose – for freedom He set us free
  • He set us free from the slavery of sin. Slavery from the baser spiritual elements of the world
  • He came to give us life, and that more abundantly
  • Not only that, but He sent us the mighty Holy Spirit to help and assist

Is it OK to Give Money to Beggars?

Is it OK to give money to the homeless, pan handlers, and beggars? This is a question that I struggle with at times. The struggle comes with the thought that perhaps the beggars are drug addicts, or alcoholics and that by giving I will aid and abet their habit. Or, that they are lazy, and the scriptural admonition comes to mind “that if you don’t work you don’t eat.”

Recently we were back in the Pacific Northwest for vacation. My wife upset some of the family we were visiting with when we were touring an area near Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington. She had spoken kind words to a couple of youthful beggars and had given $20 out of compassion. I was called over and heard their expressed displeasure because of it.

Restarting My Blog

Happy New Year 2018

In restarting the blog, a thought that has come across my mind is, if I write about my point of view, that God is a good God! That He loves us and cares for us. That ideally what is written in the Bible is how we should attempt to live. That we are to be not only hearers of the gospel, but also doers of what is written, I could have an effect on people for the better.

It’s been over a year since I’ve written a blog post. There for a bit I had tried to do some video editing for the Church I attend. It went OK for a while. But, I put so much time in a couple minute spot each week, that I found myself getting only a couple hours of sleep a night, which affected my health.

Stop Milkshake-Multitasking

Chapter 6 of "Switch On Your Brain: The Key To Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health"

In today’s fast paced environment, it seems that our brains are switching between topics with increased rapidity. We are in danger of producing the equivalent of a neurochemical milkshake by switching between thoughts and tasks on a prolonged repeated basis.